The Guiding Principles


  • We work to hold safer spaces for discussion and sharing about success, challenges, redirections, mistakes, and triumphs. We believe the collective know-how is valuable and offer channels for sharing that know-how.

  • We listen to and learn from artists, creatives and art-makers about their relationship to libraries -- positive and not-so-positive -- and what they dream of for their futures and for their creative communities. 

  • We strive to provide resources that promote exploration, learning, and wonderings among libraryland folks and the communities with whom they work.

Creativity and curiosity

  • We believe creativity is not β€œfor” a certain group of people, but is a learnable skill that anyone can practice. 

  • The best thing we can do as library folk is to facilitate moments for discovery, connection, play, and exploration in safer and inclusive spaces where people can be their authentic selves.

Inclusion and equity

  • We understand that inclusion and equity are by no means a given in the arts and library worlds. We ask questions and discuss topics that center inclusion and community at the intersection of creativity and libraries. We aim to amplify historically marginalized and underrepresented voices, understanding that the library profession in general has not been inclusive or welcoming of many groups and individuals.

  • We seek to evolve in our personal and professional learning and un-learning. We work to understand our own biases and positions of power. We understand that we will make mistakes, and we will own those mistakes, grapple with their impact, and take responsibility for them. 


  • We believe that organizations must be strong and healthy to support their staff and their communities. We will promote and advocate for funding and other resources that ensure that libraries have what they need in terms of funding, time, staff, and skill sets for their creativity platforms.

  • We believe that organizations need not invest in permanent spaces or equipment in order to be dynamic, nimble, and allow for their platforms to evolve in a sustainable manner. We coach toward a systematic, regular assessment and reprioritization process that involves community-centric lenses in decision making.

  • We believe in practicing what we preach for ourselves as a team. We take breaks. We work at a pace that suits our lives and work styles.